A connection form is required to be completed and returned to Watts Energy’s office. Failure to complete and return the connection form may result in your power being disconnected.
On the Supply Connection form, two (2) credit references are requested. Once this has been completed and approved, no security deposit is required, however, if only 1 or no credit references are provided, then we may request a security deposit be paid.
As the Body Corporate is issued with a monthly electricity account from the electricity supplier, in order to cover the costs of their monthly electricity account, the electricity accounts are also issued monthly.
The $/kWh rate the electricity usage is billed on for the electricity account is derived from the monthly retailer account the Body Corporate receives and is not a set rate. Each apartment has their own separate meter hence the usage billed is for the actual metered use for your apartment only.
The electricity invoice is payable within 13 business days from the date of the invoice. The invoice details the electricity and any other charges and/or rebates applicable. Also included with the invoice is an “Electricity Advice Notice” which details your electricity usage and tariff details for the billing period. This notice is for your records only and the amount due is detailed on the Tax Invoice. Note – payments made by cheque or money order should be made payable to “Cathedral Place Energy”.
If you are experiencing payment difficulties, please refer to the Financial Hardship Policy and contact Watts Energy on (07) 3216 4509 to discuss the option of a payment plan if required.
Eligible customers should contact WATTS ENERGY as soon as possible to obtain a pensioner rebate form so that the pensioner rebate can be applied to the electricity account.
If you are vacating the premises, please provide five (5) business days notice of the date you are vacating and a forwarding address. Your meters will then be read and a final invoice issued. If a security deposit is held, this will be deducted from your final charges and if in credit, a refund will be issued, otherwise you will be required to pay all final and outstanding charges upon receipt. Please allow up to four (4) weeks for the refund of your security deposit balance if applicable. If you have not given us at least 5 business days notice, you may be required to pay all charges up until the date we disconnect, suspend or transfer the service or the date the final meter reading is completed.
If payment of the original invoice is not received by the due date, a first and final notice will be issued that provides for an extension of twelve (12) business days and the date disconnection will occur if payment is not received by that date.
Non-payment of your electricity account by the due date detailed on the first and final notice will result in the disconnection of your power services. A notice will be delivered to your apartment advising that the power to your apartment has been disconnected for non-payment. To arrange for reconnection, all monies owing including a reconnection fee of $46.20 (inc GST) must be paid prior to reconnection.
If a Debt Recovery Service is used to recover any bad debts, all costs associated with the debt recovery will be added to your account.
Please refer to the AER Customer Factsheet to assist you to better understand your options for accessing retailers of your choice within an embedded network.
Payment of the electricity account can be made in the following ways:
MAIL – Please mail the remittance advice and the cheque/money order to C/- Watts Energy, PO Box 58, HAMILTON CENTRAL QLD 4007
BPAY – Contact your financial institution to make payment from your savings or cheque account. The BPAY Biller Code and Reference Number details will be detailed on your tax invoice. Please note that the BPAY Reference Number will change on each monthly invoice.
INTERNET BANKING * – Payment can be made using internet funds transfer and can be made directly from your bank account to the bank account detailed on the invoice.
IN PERSON * – Payment can be made in person at any branch of the Commonwealth bank using the bank account details on the invoice.
* A reference number MUST be included with any internet/over the counter payments. This reference should be the tax invoice number or your apartment number. If no reference number is provided your payment may not be recorded hence your account may be deemed in arrears.
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