If you have an existing Electricity Sale Agreement for a bulk supply site or large customer which is due to expire within the next eight (8) months, we can tender your site on your behalf for a new Electricity Sale Agreement. The owner can enter an electricity sale agreeemnt with a supplier of their choice and obtain savings compared to the current QLD tariffs. The electricity is still delivered through the existing Distribution System (existing wires etc) therefore there is no change to the quality and reliability of the supply.
Because of the complexitiy and large number of electricity consumers in QLD, the QLD Government found it necessary to “roll out” freedom of choice in stages or “Tranches”:
- 1st Stage was 29 March 1998 where the state’s largest electricity users were able to enter the competitive electricity market
- 2nd Stage was 1 October 1998 where customers with an annual electricity usage of more than 4 GWh were able to enter the competitive electricity market
- 3rd Stage was 1 July 1998 where customers with an annual electricity usage of more than 0.2 GWh (over 200,000 kWh) were able to enter the competitive electricity market
- 4th Stage was July 2004 where customers with an annual electricity usage of more than 0.1 GWh (over 100,000 kWh) were able to enter the competitive electricity market.
On your behalf, we can tender your site which includes preparing tender documents (site specific and including any proposed changes e.g. increase in consumption), check your Network Tariff Code, Submission of Lower DLF approval if applicable, Forward tender to 4 or 5 electricity suppliers, analyse each offer and negotiate witht eh teo lowest tender offers, request review of rates, prepare report on tender results.